pbimageviewer is a PocketBook Inkview application for viewing images. The images can be collected in a directory/folder, or can be archived within a zip/cbz, rar/cbr, or tar* file. pbimageviewer.app-Pro-360+ is for use with the PocketBook Pro and 360+ models, and pbimageviewer.app-3XX is for the older 3XX models. pbimageviewer.app-fwv5 is for use with firmware version 5 devices. Copy the file to the system/bin and also the applications directory, and rename it to pbimageviewer.app in all cases. To look at images collected in a directory, open the Application tab and select pbimageviewer from there (if you copied the app file to the applications directory). Use the Directory Selection dialog to choose the directory with the images. To get access to zip/cbz, rar/cbr and tar* files in the Library tab, edit system/config/extensions.cfg to include the new extensions: tar:@TAR_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG tar.gz:@TAR_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG tgz:@TAR_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG tar.bz2:@TAR_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG tbz2:@TAR_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG zip:@ZIP_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG cbz:@ZIP_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG rar:@RAR_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG cbr:@RAR_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG (Note that .zip files don't seem to show up in the Library tab even when the line above is added to the config file. So, just rename .zip files to .cbz files. Also note that if you have Profiles enabled on your reader, the config file is located at system/profiles/default/config/ if you use the "default" profile.) To read CB7 files (compressed using 7zip), you need to install the 7z.so file to /system/bin/ (the same place where pbimageviewer.app was installed), and then add the following lines to extensions.cfg: 7z:@ZIP_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG cb7:@ZIP_file:1:pbimageviewer.app:ICON_JPG Finally, older devices have their capabilities hard-coded into the program, but with new devices coming out steadily, the program was modified to accept configuration files for new models. This way, a new device can be made to work without needing a new version of the application to be built. If you have a recent device, then download device_capabilities/device_cfg.zip and unzip it into the internal memory. It will copy device configuration files for newer devices to the system/share/pbiv/ directory. If you have a device for which there is no configuration file, then create a new one based on the README.TXT and default.cfg files in the zip archive. The new configuration file should be named using the model number of the device. For example, the configuration file for the Inkpad 840 is named 840.cfg. The source code for the pbimageviewer program is available in the pbimageviewer-src.zip file. The code is meant to be built using Sergey Vlasov's version of the PocketBook SDK. The latest version of pbimageviewer uses libzip and libunrar to unpack archives, so those libraries and header files must be available in your build system to compile and link pbimageviewer. You can get the source code for the libraries, as well as prebuilt copies from http://www3.telus.net/rkomar/pbimageviewer/libs/. The source code was derived from Michail Polubisok's excellent pbimageviewer project. The original source code can be got at: http://code.google.com/p/pbimageviewer/. Hopefully, these changes will make there way back to Michail's source repository in some form.